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Gaming Hub

I've been a gamer for most of my life, but for the longest time I didn't view it as "important" to me as a person. Despite the fact that some of my favorite memories from middle and high school were spent crowded around a small TV and a PS3 with my friends, I never really considered myself a "gamer", nor did I consider gaming to be a particular hobby of mine.

I can't pinpoint an exact moment it happened, but at some point I took an interest in retro gaming and the 2000s era. I secured a Gameboy Advance and a Nintendo DS Lite, and it was all over from there. Gaming was my thing.

Since then I have taken on backlogging, collecting, and gaming industry history. As an advocate for physical media and the preservation thereof, games are obviously very important to me. The experiences I've had, connections I've made, and stories I've lived have deeply affected me and changed me for the better. Games are art, through and through.