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July 16, 2024

Sadly been slacking a bit with the site updates, not just here on the blog but with improvements anywhere. I really love working on this, I should find more time to be productive and grow here.

Been a busy month so far, as was last month. In addition to preparing for college and finally moving into my first apartment, my parents are moving as well, which means that I'm helping them. I don't mind helping, of course, but it doesn't feel like help; it feels like I'm just getting pushed around all day. It's a pretty constant reminder of the fact that I need to get out of here, and I'm about to. One can only take so much emotional beating.

On the topic of school and apartments, at least I'm making steady progress. I'm almost fully packed, all of my preprations for orientation are done, and all that's left is to go. While I'm in town there, I'll be going with my dad to tour a few apartments, and by the end of the week, we'll sign on one. I'll move up the next weekend.

It's bittersweet, because while I still love my parents (in spite of it all), this is everything I've been wanting for years. Ever since high school, I wish I was more capable of getting away, of working to support myself and making my way in the world, despite its hardships. I'm finally getting that. I'll work, and learn, and live, and transition, and find joy in every day simply because I'm me, and there's beauty to be found in that. I know there'll be hard days, but they make the good days that much sweeter to reach.

So despite my opening line about updating the site more, I'm probably going to be away for a couple more weeks. I have moving, and unpacking, and job hunting, and starting work, all in the span of a couple weeks. After that, once I settle into more of a regular schedule, I'll be back to make more blog posts, more site updates, and just back to more of me. Maybe more of me than ever! I'm finally going to live as myself, and the woman I was always meant to grow into.

~ Alex