Blog Archive - February 20, 2024

February 20, 2024

Writing this the night after Predstrogen was permabanned not once, not twice, but three times over on Tumblr. It was the inciting incident of a massive uproar among Tumblr transfems (for obvious reasons) and also what finally pushed me to put together this website. I can't tell at this point if this is truly going to spark any sort of exodus, or if it will just be another in a long line of transphobia, transmisogyny, and general garbage that pours out of staff and specifically the CEO in this case. Either way, I wanted to finally establish a place for myself seperate from social media; a place I can direct friends, mutuals, etc who want a little bit of me online.

It's tragic that a place so diverse and full of life like Tumblr can have it's community torn apart and tread underfoot by the very same hate that we (or at least I) thought wouldn't ever be able to stop us on a site like that. I won't play coy and pretend I didn't know that there are horrible people on Tumblr (there are), or that terrible things happen to trans people on that site every day (they do). It just always felt... different. Like no matter what, our indominable spirit would overcome all.

And to a point, that's still true. I have never seen as real and tangible a show of love and solidarity as when Tumblr banded together to support her in her time of apparent defeat, and to call out blatent hate and inaction. It was sad to have happened at all, but that love was beautiful. Posts calling out the CEO and discussing potential for lawsuits were intersperced with messages of love and hope and support, that no matter what happened, trans community (and especially transfem community) would never be quashed. I believe in that hope.

Every trans person has their own journey, and I know mine is no different. And as a transfem seeking to start HRT soon and socially transition, I'm sure that journey will change again. But having that hope in me, that queer love and solidarity is always there cheering us all on, ready to fight for each other at the drop of a hat... it keeps me going.

~ Alex